Novogradac 2023 Historic Tax Credit Conference


Novogradac workshops give you a chance to gain detailed insight and knowledge about affordable housing, community development, historic preservation, opportunity zones or renewable energy fields.

From basics workshops (where you get an explanation of or refresher about the specific industry) to specialized, deep-dive workshops (where you get training and information to help you take the next step), the Novogradac preconference workshops add to your professional toolbox. Attend a workshop before one of our conferences to maximize your time learning about and networking with professionals within your specific industry.

Separate registration is required for workshops.

Please note: Agenda is set to local time zone and is subject to change. 
Find CPE Information Here


9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Historic Tax Credit Basics Workshop

Get an introduction or take a refresher course on the HTC, including the National Park Service application process and discussion of HTC concept such as qualified rehabilitation expenditures and buildings, credit recapture, minimum expenditures test, 50(d) income, deal structuring and how recent tax reform has affected HTCs.
Roy Chou photo

Moderator: Roy Chou, Partner, Novogradac

Marcos Velazquez photo

Speaker: Marcos Velazquez, Principal, Novogradac

Brian Weaver photo

Speaker: Brian Weaver, Attorney, Stinson

Nick Kraus photo

Speaker: Nick Kraus, Vice President, Heritage Consulting Group

Nick Gettings photo

Speaker: Nick Gettings, Principal, Novogradac

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Mastering the HTC Financial Blueprint Workshop

The financial model or projections are the financial blueprint for a historic tax credit transaction but can often be overwhelming to developers and investor/syndicator project managers alike. This workshop will walk through and demystify an HTC project financial model and guide participants through the elements most important to the parties involved. Led by a team of experienced HTC practitioners, the workshop will discuss matters of interest to developers and investors alike. The session will conclude with a discussion of investor term sheets and the potential ramifications of terms beyond credit price.
Don Sabine photo

Speaker: Don Sabine, Principal, Novogradac

Katie Day photo

Speaker: Katie Day, Partner, Klein Hornig

John DeJovine photo

Moderator: John DeJovine, Partner, Novogradac



Reserve Your Seat

Connect with hundreds of historic preservationists that have diverse and expansive backgrounds, including financing, syndicating, investing, developing, consulting, accounting and much more. Hear about legislative updates that will help you refresh communities and spur economic growth using both state and federal HTCs during this two-day conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.