Novogradac 2023 Historic Tax Credit Conference


Agenda is subject to change.

Please note: Agenda is in Eastern Time
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9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Historic Tax Credit Basics Workshop

Get an introduction or take a refresher course on the HTC, including the National Park Service application process and discussion of HTC concept such as qualified rehabilitation expenditures and buildings, credit recapture, minimum expenditures test, 50(d) income, deal structuring and how recent tax reform has affected HTCs.


Roy Chou photo

Moderator: Roy Chou, Partner, Novogradac

Marcos Velazquez photo

Speaker: Marcos Velazquez, Principal, Novogradac

Brian Weaver photo

Speaker: Brian Weaver, Attorney, Stinson

Nick Kraus photo

Speaker: Nick Kraus, Vice President, Heritage Consulting Group

Nick Gettings photo

Speaker: Nick Gettings, Principal, Novogradac

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Mastering the HTC Financial Blueprint Workshop

The financial model or projections are the financial blueprint for a historic tax credit transaction but can often be overwhelming to developers and investor/syndicator project managers alike. This workshop will walk through and demystify an HTC project financial model and guide participants through the elements most important to the parties involved. Led by a team of experienced HTC practitioners, the workshop will discuss matters of interest to developers and investors alike. The session will conclude with a discussion of investor term sheets and the potential ramifications of terms beyond credit price.


Don Sabine photo

Speaker: Don Sabine, Principal, Novogradac

Katie Day photo

Speaker: Katie Day, Partner, Klein Hornig

John DeJovine photo

Moderator: John DeJovine, Partner, Novogradac


8:00 am - 9:00 am

Registration and Breakfast

9:00 am - 9:30 am

Conference Welcome & Keynote

The conference chair welcomes attendees and previews what to expect for the next two days, followed by an address from our featured keynote.


Darin LaHood photo

Speaker: Darin LaHood, Congressman, U.S. Representative, IL - 16th District

Tom Boccia photo

Moderator: Tom Boccia, Conference Chair & Partner, Novogradac

9:30 am - 10:45 am

Washington Report

Our panel of experts gives a sense of what to expect from Congress, including what provisions of the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity (HTC-GO) Act could be included in legislation this year. Also learn what to expect from the National Park Service and the IRS concerning regulations and hear about options to include green energy in a HTC project.


Cindy Hamilton photo

Speaker: Cindy Hamilton, President, Heritage Consulting Group

Patrick Robertson photo

Speaker: Patrick Robertson, Principal, Confluence Government Relations

Forrest Milder photo

Speaker: Forrest Milder, Partner, Nixon Peabody LLP

Peter Lawrence photo

Speaker: Peter Lawrence, Director of Public Policy & Government Relations, Novogradac

Michael Novogradac photo

Moderator: Michael Novogradac, Managing Partner, Novogradac

10:45 am - 11:05 am

Journal of Tax Credits Awards Ceremony

Join us for the presentation of the 2023 Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits Historic Rehabilitation Awards.


11:05 am - 11:30 am

Networking Break

11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Investor Insights

HTC equity investors share insight on the current marketplace. Learn what types of transactions and structures are desired, what types of properties bring the best pricing and how rising interest rates affect equity pricing.


Richard Roth photo

Speaker: Richard J. Roth, Founder and Managing Partner, Roth Law Firm

Tim Karp photo

Speaker: Tim Karp, Managing Director, Chase

Amanda Bloomberg photo

Speaker: Amanda Bloomberg, Senior Acquisitions Manager, National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC)

Michael Kressig photo

Moderator: Michael Kressig, Partner, Novogradac

Steven Mount photo

Speaker: Steven Mount, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Networking Luncheon

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

HTC Building Blocks

Tax credit equity plays a major role in the capital stack for historic rehabilitation properties, but significant gaps remain in funding. Insiders share how to incorporate other funding sources and debt to help properties pencil out financially.


Tyler Parbs photo

Speaker: Tyler Parbs, Vice President of Investments, J. Jeffers & Co.

Katrina Thompson photo

Speaker: Katrina Thompson, Partner, Barnes & Thornburg LLP

Justin Fezzi photo

Speaker: Justin Fezzi, Partner, Husch Blackwell

John DeJovine photo

Moderator: John DeJovine, Partner, Novogradac

Eric Darling photo

Speaker: Eric Darling, Partner, Carlisle Tax Credit Advisors

2:30 pm - 2:45 pm

Networking Break

2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

Social Impacts and HTCs

Diversity, equity and inclusion have become a priority for many investors and developers, but how do you measure success? This panel explains progress and how to best include underrepresented groups in your team and your developments.


Austin Power photo

Moderator: Austin Power, Partner, Novogradac

Kathleen Galvan photo

Speaker: Kathleen Galvan, Acquisitions Manager, NTCIC

Irvin Henderson photo

Speaker: Irvin Henderson, President and CEO, Henderson and Company

Amrit Gill photo

Speaker: Amrit Gill, President, Restoration St Louis

3:45 pm - 4:00 pm

Networking Break

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

HTC Roundtable

Explore the ins and outs of obtaining and qualifying for federal and state historic tax credits. This panel includes speakers that are directly involved in the application process, have experience in public-private partnership and are experts in consulting on HTC transactions.


Ramona Bartos photo

Speaker: Ramona Bartos, Director of the Division of Historical Resources, North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources

Tom Boccia photo

Moderator: Tom Boccia, Conference Chair & Partner, Novogradac

Nick Kraus photo

Speaker: Nick Kraus, Vice President, Heritage Consulting Group

Brian Goeken photo

Speaker: Brian Goeken, Chief, Technical Preservation Services, National Park Service

Renee Kuhlman photo

Speaker: Renee Kuhlman, Senior Director of Outreach and Support, National Trust for Historic Preservation

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Networking Reception



8:00 am - 9:00 am

Networking Breakfast

9:00 am - 9:55 am

HTC Hot Topics

Get updated on the latest developments, including the new electronic-only submission forms, supply chain issues, rising interest rates, clean energy provisions and the HTC and more.


Christina Novotny photo

Speaker: Christina Novotny, Counsel, BakerHostetler

Nicolo Pinoli photo

Moderator: Nicolo Pinoli, Partner, Novogradac

Nicholas Irmen photo

Speaker: Nicholas J. Irmen, Attorney, Kutak Rock LLP

Eric Brubaker photo

Speaker: Eric Brubaker, Director of Acquisitions and Partner, Foss & Company

9:55 am - 10:00 am

Networking Break

10:00 am - 10:55 am

Historic, Affordable Housing: A Pairing That Works

HTC equity can be a crucial part of the financial stack for affordable housing financed by the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC). A panel of experts explain how the pairing of the tax incentives works, what you need to consider while contemplating the twinning and compliance-related issues that arise. Get educated on a creative way to combine historic preservation and affordable housing.


Cindy Hamilton photo

Speaker: Cindy Hamilton, President, Heritage Consulting Group

Matthew Rooney photo

Speaker: Matthew Rooney, CEO, MDG Design + Construction, LLC

Tom Boccia photo

Moderator: Tom Boccia, Conference Chair & Partner, Novogradac

Tim Karp photo

Speaker: Tim Karp, Managing Director, Chase

Reserve Your Seat

Connect with hundreds of historic preservationists that have diverse and expansive backgrounds, including financing, syndicating, investing, developing, consulting, accounting and much more. Hear about legislative updates that will help you refresh communities and spur economic growth using both state and federal HTCs during this two-day conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.