Novogradac 2022 RAD Public Housing Conference


Novogradac workshops give you a chance to gain detailed insight and knowledge about affordable housing, community development, historic preservation, opportunity zones or renewable energy fields.

From basics workshops (where you get an explanation of or refresher about the specific industry) to specialized, deep-dive workshops (where you get training and information to help you take the next step), the Novogradac preconference workshops add to your professional toolbox. Attend a workshop before one of our conferences to maximize your time learning about and networking with professionals within your specific industry.

Separate registration is required for workshops. The cost is $450 with conference registration, $550 workshop only.

Workshops are in person only.

View CPE info here.

Please note: Agenda is set for Eastern Time


1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

RAD: The Basics

Learn the basics of the Rental Assistance Demonstration program, including the history, benefits, how to apply and sample transactions. Learn what type of RAD conversion fits your PHA, how to project revenue and expenses and more.
Tiffani Barletta photo

Speaker: Tiffani Barletta, Vice President, CSG Advisors

Holly Knight photo

Speaker: Holly Knight, CEO, BGC Advantage

Rich Larsen photo

Speaker: Rich Larsen, Partner, Novogradac


FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2022