Novogradac 2022 RAD Public Housing Conference


Please note: Agenda is set in Eastern Time

View CPE info here


1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

RAD: The Basics

Learn the basics of the Rental Assistance Demonstration program, including the history, benefits, how to apply and sample transactions. Learn what type of RAD conversion fits your PHA, how to project revenue and expenses and more.


Tiffani Barletta photo

Speaker: Tiffani Barletta, Vice President, CSG Advisors

Holly Knight photo

Speaker: Holly Knight, CEO, BGC Advantage

Rich Larsen photo

Speaker: Rich Larsen, Partner, Novogradac


8:00 am - 9:00 am

Registration and Breakfast/Login

9:00 am - 9:05 am

Conference Welcome

The conference chair welcomes attendees and highlights the schedule for the next two days. 


Rebecca Arthur photo

Speaker: Rebecca Arthur, Partner, Novogradac

Rich Larsen photo

Speaker: Rich Larsen, Partner, Novogradac

9:05 am - 9:30 am

Keynote Address

Start your conference experience by hearing from a RAD public housing champion, who will provide an update on the state of public housing and the RAD program.


David Price photo

Speaker: David Price, Chairman, House THUD Appropriations Sub Committee

9:30 am - 10:45 am

Washington Report

Insiders provide insight into what changes could affect public housing and RAD in this session of Congress, including an expansion of the RAD cap and whether funding included in the Build Back Better Act might be part of other legislation.


Peter Lawrence photo

Moderator: Peter Lawrence, Director of Public Policy and Government relations, Marketing, Novogradac

Eric Oberdorfer photo

Speaker: Eric Oberdorfer, Director, Policy and Program Development, NAHRO

Pat Costigan photo

Speaker: Pat Costigan, Strategic Advisor & Co-Founder, RAD Collaborative

Bennett Hilley photo

Speaker: Bennett Hilley, Deputy Director, Office of Recapitalization in HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs

Orlando Cabrera photo

Speaker: Orlando Cabrera, Partner, Arnall Golden Gregory

10:45 am - 11:00 am

Balance Break

Reset for the next session. In-person attendees can grab a snack, visit the exhibit hall or make a connection in the network lounge. Online attendees can grab a snack, peruse the exhibit tab or make a connection in the chat.


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Equity Options for a RAD Transaction

Perhaps the biggest decision in a RAD transaction is what type of funding to use. Experts share various ways to fund your deal, including gap financing options. Learn options and how investors see them.


Nathan Simms photo

Speaker: Nathan Simms, Executive Director, Housing Authority of Prince George's County

Cat Vielma photo

Speaker: Cat Vielma, Senior Vice President | Acquisitions , Red Stone Equity Partners

Rachel Denton photo

Moderator: Rachel Denton, Partner, Novogradac

Austin Divino photo

Speaker: Austin Divino, Vice President, R4 Capital

Nicole Graham photo

Speaker: Nicole Graham, Principal, CSG Advisors

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Networking Lunch




1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Debt or Subsidy Swap

Tax credit equity is not the only option in a RAD transaction. In this session, experts will discuss how to evaluate your options, including using debt or only PHA-held reserves.


Tracey Scott photo

Speaker: Tracey Scott, CEO, Chicago Housing Authority

Sheri Davis photo

Speaker: Sheri Davis, Senior Vice President, Highland Commercial Mortgage

Rebecca Arthur photo

Moderator: Rebecca Arthur, Partner, Novogradac

Joshua Reiss photo

Speaker: Joshua Reiss, Director, Lument

2:30 pm - 2:45 pm

Balance Break

Reset for the next session. In-person attendees can grab a snack, visit the exhibit hall or make a connection in the network lounge. Online attendees can grab a snack, peruse the exhibit tab or make a connection in the chat.


2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

RAD and Federal Community Development Incentives

Federal tax incentives can finance properties being converted or built through RAD. Hear how the low-income housing tax credit and historic tax credit can provide equity for a RAD transaction, as well as other federal tools such as renewable energy tax credits and the opportunity zones incentive.


Marissa Schaffer photo

Speaker: Marissa Schaffer, Vice President, Transactions, Real Estate Development, NYCHA

Matthew Rooney photo

Speaker: Matthew Rooney, CEO, MDG Design + Construction, LLC

Keith Pettus photo

Speaker: Keith Pettus, Executive Director, Chase

Cindy Hamilton photo

Speaker: Cindy Hamilton, President, Heritage Consulting Group

Matt Lockhart photo

Moderator: Matt Lockhart, Principal, Novogradac

3:45 pm - 4:00 pm

Balance Break

Reset for the next session. In-person attendees can grab a snack, visit the exhibit hall or make a connection in the network lounge. Online attendees can grab a snack, peruse the exhibit tab or make a connection in the chat.


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Year 15 RAD/LIHTC Considerations

Many PHAs have used mixed financing to redevelop their public housing units. That financing sometimes includes LIHTCs–which means many properties are nearing the end of their 15-year compliance period. Resyndicating the property using the RAD program may be your best option.  Hear what to consider while making decisions concerning property operations and ownership structure.


Erik Soliván photo

Speaker: Erik Soliván, Chief of Staff, Housing Authority of the City of Tulsa

Andrew Kerivan photo

Speaker: Andrew Kerivan, Asset Manager, Cambridge Housing Authority

Celia Smoot photo

Speaker: Celia Smoot, SVP, Head of Fund Investments, Key Community Development Corporation

Charlie Rhuda photo

Moderator: Charlie A Rhuda, Partner, Novogradac

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Networking Reception


FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2022

7:30 am - 9:00 am

Building Bonds Women & Allies Networking Breakfast

All conference attendees are invited to a breakfast to celebrate and encourage women in affordable housing. Make meaningful connections and network with others as you establish or grow your career. Also see how women are doing in the affordable housing space and how it compares to other industries, while hearing about potential career paths.


Rebecca Arthur photo

Speaker: Rebecca Arthur, Partner, Novogradac

Tanya  Dempsey photo

Speaker: Tanya Dempsey, Principal, CSG Advisors

Nicole Graham photo

Speaker: Nicole Graham, Principal, CSG Advisors

8:00 am - 9:00 am

Registration and Breakfast/Login

9:05 am - 9:25 am

Keynote Address

Start your conference experience by hearing from a RAD public housing champion, who will provide an update on the state of public housing and the RAD program.


Bob Iber photo

Speaker: Bob Iber, Senior Advisor, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs at the Department of Housing and Urban Development

9:30 am - 10:40 am

Section 18, Faircloth: Other Options

RAD has multiple options, including Section 18 conversions, which involve demolition and disposition of the property with affiliated vouchers. Another option is the Faircloth-to-RAD process, allowed for PHAs that are under their Faircloth limit–which is nearly 220,000 units nationally, to create new public housing units that automatically convert to the Section 8 platform. Hear experts talk about the options, benefits and challenges for these choices.


George McDowell photo

Speaker: George McDowell, Deputy General Counsel, Philadelphia Housing Authority

William Lavy photo

Speaker: William Lavy, Program Administration Division, Office of Recapitalization, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Georgi Banna photo

Speaker: Georgi Banna, Senior Attorney, Ballard Spahr

Dirk Wallace photo

Moderator: Dirk Wallace, Partner, Novogradac

10:45 am - 12:00 pm

RAD is Done. Now What?

As more PHAs complete RAD conversions, hear what post-RAD life looks like, including issues with post-RAD HUD audits. Also gain an understanding of what issues arise when dealing with your new investor limited partners.


Rich Larsen photo

Moderator: Rich Larsen, Partner, Novogradac

Tanya  Dempsey photo

Speaker: Tanya Dempsey, Principal, CSG Advisors