Novogradac 2021 Affordable Housing Tax Credit and Bond Conference


Novogradac workshops give you a chance to gain detailed insight and knowledge about affordable housing, community development, historic preservation, opportunity zones or renewable energy fields.

From basics workshops (where you get an explanation of or refresher about the specific industry) to specialized, deep-dive workshops (where you get training and information to help you take the next step), the Novogradac preconference workshops add to your professional toolbox. Attend a workshop before one of our conferences to maximize your time learning about and networking with professionals within your specific industry.

Separate registration is required for workshops. The cost is $450 with conference registration, $550 workshop only.

Workshops are subject to change
Please note: Agenda is set for Central Standard Time
Click here to view CPE information


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Allocations to 8609s- additional fee required

Learn about all the requirements that low-income housing tax credit awardees must satisfy between when they receive the tax credit award and when they submit their Form(s) 8609 to the Internal Revenue Service.
Mark Shelburne photo

Speaker: Mark Shelburne, Senior Manager, Public Policy, Novogradac

Wayne Michael photo

Speaker: Wayne Michael, Principal, Novogradac

Toni Jackson photo

Speaker: Toni Jackson, Principal, The Banks Law Firm

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

LIHTC 101: The Basics- additional fee required

The low-income housing tax credit world can be confusing, but this workshop helps you navigate it well. Learn about the roles, types of tax credits, ownership structures, development timelines, how to avoid recapture and more.
Warren Sebra photo

Speaker: Warren Sebra, Partner, Novogradac

David Mantilla photo

Speaker: David Mantilla, Senior, Novogradac

Kelly Gorman photo

Speaker: Kelly McNany Gorman, Principal, Novogradac

Dayle Dalling photo

Speaker: Dayle Dalling, Principal, Novogradac