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Introducing the Novogradac 2020 Affordable Housing Friday Forums
Novogradac’s 2020 Affordable Housing Friday Forums are a three-part virtual event series to address the nation’s most pressing low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) topics amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic environment. Each forum will feature panels hosted by national affordable housing leaders with a break in between to network and connect in moderated chat rooms. Owners and managers of LIHTC properties, state agencies, attorneys, lenders, developers, investors, accountants, consultants, and others should join at least one—or all three—insightful discussions on the pandemic’s effect on the LIHTC community, how to overcome the current state of uncertainty and how to continue moving LIHTC developments forward.
Topics covered on Friday, June 26:
- Recent legislative updates from panelists on Capitol Hill,
- What next steps the President might take for affordable housing
- A HUD multifamily program update with panelists from the Federal Housing Administration
We look forward to seeing you in June!
Interested in attending all three forums? We are offering a special buy two get the third half-off until June 25. Simply register for any forum, and then select the additional forums during the registration process. The discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
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Featured Speakers
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Schedule At-A-Glance
Friday, June 26
12:30 - 4 pm
- Keynote Speaker
- Washington Report
- HUD Multifamily Update
Friday, July 10
12:30 - 4 pm
- Equity Market in a COVID-19 World
- Current Debt Issues
- Bonus Panel: The Future of California Affordable Housing
Friday, July 17
12:30 - 4 pm
- COVID-19 LIHTC Compliance Issue
- Underwriting Multifamily Properties During COVID-19
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Registration Rates
$179, corporate rate
$129, nonprofit rate
Register for all three and save! Buy two and get the third half off.
Please contact or (415) 356-7970 for registration assistance.
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We hope you’ll join us virtually to get up to speed and learn more about Affordable Housing on select Fridays in June and July.
Register Now For: