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Latest trends and a look to the future of affordable housing finance.
The Novogradac Tax Credit Housing Finance Conference in Las Vegas will see hundreds of affordable housing professionals–including developers, investors, syndicators, lawyers, accountants and others–gather to network and gain insight on the latest in financing affordable housing.
Don’t miss the opportunity to join your industry colleagues to renew and build relationships and hear how transactions are being handled to maximize the development of affordable housing.
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Featured Speakers
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Schedule At-A-Glance
Wednesday, Dec. 4
9 am-3 pm
Tenant Certification Workshop
(additional registration required)
9 am-4 pm
LIHTC 101: The Basics Workshop
(additional registration required)
Thursday, Dec. 5
8-9 am
Newcomers' Breakfast
8-9 am
Registration and Breakfast
9-9:10 am
Welcome Address
9:10 am-Noon
General Sessions
Noon-1:30 pm
Thursday, Dec. 5 (continued)
1:45-3 pm
General Sessions
3-5 pm
Concurrent Session 1
3-5 pm
Concurrent Session 2
5-6:30 pm
Friday, Dec. 6
8-9 am
Registration and Breakfast
9-9:30 am
Keynote Address
9:30-11:45 am
General Sessions
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Early Bird rate ends on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019.
Please contact or (415) 356-7970 for registration assistance.
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Hotel Information
For your convenience, Novogradac has secured a limited number of rooms at the discounted rate of $139 per night at SAHARA Las Vegas where the conference is taking place. Reserve your room no later than Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019 in order to secure this discount.Booking link is here, or you may call to make your reservation at (702) 761-7000 and mention the Novogradac 2019 Tax Credit Housing Finance Conference to get this rate.
Hotel Reservation
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Engage, inform and influence customers and prospects with Novogradac and Company LLP’s conference sponsorships.Novogradac & Company LLP’s conferences offer a powerful method of engagement and immediate return on investment, whether your marketing goal is brand or product awareness, thought leadership, qualified lead generation, sales acceleration or retention. View our sponsors
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Earn Continuing Education Credits
Novogradac will provide a certificate of completion for proof of continued education for relevant re-certifications. To receive a certificate of completion, please indicate your preference to earn CE during your registration or with a staff at the event registration desk at the conference.Download our Events App
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We hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to get up to speed and learn more about the tax credit housing finance incentive, while making new connections this December in Las Vegas.Register Now