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Novogradac 2019

New Markets Tax Credit Fall Conference

Fairmont Austin

Oct. 17-18

Register Now
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Hotel Information

A limited block of rooms will be held until September 17, 2019.

Reservations made after September 17, 2019, will be accepted on a space-available basis only and cannot be guaranteed at the discounted rate.

Please note: Attendees with confirmed reservations at the Fairmont Austin Hotel will be charged a one night’s room and tax deposit 30 days prior to confirmed arrival date. Cancellations made up to one week prior to confirmed arrival date will be accepted, and the deposit refunded. Any cancellations made within one week of confirmed arrival date are non-refundable.

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Fairmont Austin

Hotel Reservation Link

101 Red River Street
Austin, TX 78701
Telephone: (512) 600-2000

Cutoff Date: September 17, 2019
Hotel Rate: $339/night, plus tax

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Registration Rates

Early Bird rate ends on Monday, September 17, 2019.
What is Novogradac's cancellation policy?
All cancellations must be received no later than 10 business days before an event. A $100 administrative fee will be deducted from all refunds per attendee. We regret that we cannot refund cancellations made within 10 business days of the conference or to registrants who do not attend the conference. Confirmed registrants who fail to attend and do not cancel will be charged the entire registration fee.
Please contact events@novoco.com or (415) 356-7970 for registration assistance. 
Registration type Early bird Standard Onsite

Workshop Only - Full Day  $550  $550  $550 
Workshop Only - Half Day  $350  $350  $350 
Conference Only  $675  $775  $800 
Workshop- Full Day w/Conference  $1,125  $1,225  $1,250 
Workshop- Half Day w/Conference  $1,025 $1,125  $1,150 
Conference Only Group (3+)  $575  $675  $700 
Workshop Only - Full Day  $550  $550  $550 
Workshop Only - Half Day  $350  $350  $350 
Conference Only  $575  $675  $700 
Workshop- Full Day w/Conference  $1,025  $1,125  $1,150 
Workshop- Half Day w/Conference  $925 $1,025 $1,050 
Conference Only Group (3+)  $475  $575  $600 
Reception Guest Pass  $75  $75  $75